Sunday, 21 February 2010

A Week of Exercise - Nearly Killed Me!!!

My running partner and I have been getting up at around 5.15am every morning except for Fridays (kids have swimming lessons before school and it's just too hard to squeeze my half hour in before them). We swim Monday, run Tuesday, swim Wednesday and run Thursday. It's only for 1/2 hour but it's better than doing nothing at all.

Last week I decided to add water aerobics into the mix so Wednesday evening I toddled off to the with one of the bookclub mums. We had a spa afterwards which was a fantastic treat. I cancelled Thursdays run because another mum and I were starting our Pilates beginners course at Liv Pilates. I figured I didn't want to over do it :)

Then on Tuesday I joined a ten pin bowling league. Stop laughing now!!!

It was fun. Surprisingly. And I was terrible at it. I'm used to playing with the kids either on the Wii, or when we go the bowling lanes the barriers are up and I never get a gutter ball :)

So this week was a week of rest, except for the Pilates on Thursday night. Next week, straight back into it. This stomach is NOT going to shift itself you know.

Is this what's commonly known as 'A Midlife Crisis'?

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