Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Tony Abbott's Budgy Smugglers!

Ebay Item number:160415711114, or Tony Abbott's Swim Suit

I'm not too sure why this tickled my fancy. Maybe it's because Miss 8 (who has Cerebral Palsy for those not up with the family) might somehow benefit from this.

If this is a legit auction, from The Cerebral Palsy Association, or as it's known in the Eastern States (and I don't like the name but that's just me), The Spastic Centre, then this could potentially pay for a child, or two, to have Botox treatment. Or some other form of therapy that would help them to walk, talk, or sit up.

Add it to your watch list and see what happens.

Maybe you will be the proud owner of a brand new pair of Speedo's that have been signed by the man himself. 

I wonder if you can claim it as a tax deduction since the proceeds go to charity?

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