Wednesday, 23 September 2009

A Naughty Master 3 (Nearly 4)

Well, it had to happen.

Master 3 has always been very much like Miss 8 in his mannerisms & personalities. They also swim the same, write the same - and yell the same. But, in the last week he has turned into Miss 5 (which isn't altogether a bad thing). He has aquired her ability to reduce me to tears at the dinner table.

This is YUCK
I won't eat this
This will make me SICK

We went through this exact same thing EXACTLY 2 years ago with Miss 5 (then 3) who, every single night said those exact words but followed it up with:
"I want Bakes Beans (sic)"
So, in the end that is what she had for dinner. Every night. For 8 weeks.
Her teacher commented on the green haze that hung over her during nap time so I explained that she was getting her daily dose of legumes. After 8 weeks she begged us to give her something else - and so the cycle was broken.

This is NOT the case with Master 3 (nearly 4).

He doesn't want anything. Won't eat baked beans, doesn't want spaghetti, sandwiches are yuck.
So, yesterday morning (after another night of critiquing my culinary skills - and getting sent to bed without dinner) I served him up his dinner for brekkie. The girls were astounded! That had NEVER happened before. EVER!!!! Master 3 gave me the same review he had given me the night before.

So no breakfast.

Lunchtime came - "I'm hungry mum". Out came dinner again. This time he ate 5 corn kernels from the corn cob, and then offered up a variation of his review.

So no lunch.

By this time I'm starting to freak out. Never have any of my children gone 24 hours without eating anything (unless they've been really really really sick). Stubborn little bugger. The girls came home from school and had their snacks with him drooling over them.

He ate his dinner last night.

Well, most of it Smileys

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